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Wolf & Spice Eroge for DS


The newly released 狼と香辛料 ボクとホロの一年 / Wolf & Spice: My Year with Horo, for the DS, seems intent on pushing the boundaries of simulation/adventure games a little (lot) further towards eroge, with a distinctly risqué “Wife Horo” best ending on offer.

Dengeki’s poor reviewer spent weeks trying to attain the ending, and finally got it, and was kind enough to share some screens of the final scene candle, but not the main event. Thanks a lot. Anyway, the text below leaves nothing to the imagination, unless it is an exceptionally cruel piece of innuendo.


The main part of the game is a respectable and interesting looking (to me at least) trading game, the earnings from which contribute to the ending you can achieve. The game is voiced, though naturally enough CG are none too impressive on the DS. However good it may be, it is probably going to play second fiddle to the prospect of bedding Horo…

See all the screens at Dengeki.

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