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No Plans on Toning Down Atelier Resleriana Outrageous Gacha Pricing

No Plans on Toning Down Atelier Resleriana Outrageous Gacha Pricing

The latest official livestream for Atelier Resleriana addresses concerns regarding the game’s overpriced gacha… by completely brushing the issue under the table, saying that there are no plans to fix what is essentially working as intended.

One of the voice actresses brought up the issue of the pricing (6,000 yen for 10 rolls) at the very start of the livestream, with the developers saying the following in response:

“Thank you for your opinion. We have heard many voices regarding the pricing of 6,000 yen for 10 pulls. We would just like to point out that the medals from 10-pulls (used to redeem at max pulls) carries over, and we will be increasing gacha currency handouts as well, so look forward to that.”

It seems that the plan is to sidestep the issue by seemingly indirectly increasing the amount of currency all players get – an unreliable method that keeps all bargaining power in the hands of the operations team.

Atelier Resleriana is available to play in Japan on iOS and Android smartphones in Japan.

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