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Scarlet Nexus Anime Adaptation in Development by Studio Sunrise

Bandai Namco has officially announced and previewed an upcoming anime adaptation of their action game Scarlet Nexus in production by animation studio Sunrise.

The PV of the anime briefly showcasing the main cast of characters while giving a look at how the game’s action translates into traditional animation:

Solar calendar year 2020: grotesque organisms called Others have begun eating people. To take down this new enemy, the Other Suppression Force is formed. Saved by this elite team as a child, psychokinetic Yuito withstands the training to enlist. On the other hand, prodigy Kasane was scouted for her abilities. But Kasane’s dreams tell her strange things, dragging the two into an unavoidable fate.

The Scarlet Nexus anime adaptation is set to air sometime this summer season.

The Scarlet Nexus game will launch on June 25th for the Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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