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Dead or Alive 6 Discards Soft Engine: “No More Jiggle”

An interview with Dead or Alive 6‘s director Yohei Shimbori has revealed that the upcoming and widely despised fighting game will no longer use the revered Soft Engine, meaning that any and all breasts physics and jiggliness will not be present.

Used for Dead or Alive 5 and Dead or Alive Xtreme 3, the Soft Engine allowed for highly advanced jiggling of butts, thighs and bosom, though Shimbori explained that the engine is being cast aside because he wanted to “transition to a new lighting engine” capable of allowing more realistic expressions and lighting (which was supposedly not possible with the Soft Engine).

Shimbori claims part of the decision to deviate away from the engine stems from discussions with fans at EVO 2017 (a fighting game tournament) who were ashamed of playing such a sexy game like Dead or Alive:

“The images of the characters will focus on ‘cool’ as the team heard from the fans at EVO 2017 the opinion that the girls were a bit too sexy and it was embarrassing to play, the request was to make a game that look cooler. Team Ninja wants everyone to be proud of playing Dead or Alive.”

Having made the mistake of confusing what fans say they want with what they actually want, Shimbori also explained that the influence of the changes originate from American comics and film:

“The reference we used for the imagery [in Dead or Alive 6] comes from American comics and films. In the old days I loved American comics. In the old days the female characters in American comics emphasized and highlighted the sexy lines of their body. Nowadays, there’s a change in the works to present [the female characters] with a sharp and cool design. In this way, I thought about [Dead or Alive 6] and the character appearances, and how to depict them with variety.”

The irony however may be the fact that such “new” SJW comics are being cancelled due to poor sales as actual comic fans hate them and the audience they virtue signal to does not buy comics.

Fans will no doubt agree that Team Ninja are officially abandoning their audience in favor of adopting the toxic perspectives of SJWs, something many thought was not possible outside of the US with a sensible Japanese developer…

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