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9 Ways of Making Your Boyfriend Stop Playing Games


Japanese women stuck with a boyfriend with a hobby they don’t like supply ways of inducing him to stop behaving like an immature child and instead do something productive like buying them shoes or something.

The listing:

1. “Let’s do this together” – recommend a hobby you can do together
“If you draw his attention away from gaming, he may finally give it up.” Find something you can do together and his interest may wane. Keep suggesting things until you find something he likes.

2. “But apart from that hobby, you’re such a great man” – wound his manly pride
He might stop if you endanger his pride with an “in spite of your gaming…” element, as he wants to seem appealing. You can increase its effectiveness by explaining to him how great he is apart from his gaming habit.

3. “Games are all very well, but why don’t you spend some more time with me?” – fawn over him
Try to lure him away from the game by fawning over him like some teenager. However, if you mistime this in an important gaming moment you may only irritate him.

4. “I’m not interested in games at all!” – tell him straight up you’re not interested in his stupid hobby
“Play up the fact you are bored of him playing games.” If you express how bored you are and how little interest you have in his gaming, he might stop. It’s probably best if you offer a suggestion of something to do rather than just say you have no interest though.

5. “How long are you planning on playing this!?” – bluntly reject his gaming
“If he won’t listen, you have no choice but to reject him.” Show him a harsher attitude and he may rush to stop playing in case he displeases you. However, he may be annoyed, so only do this when he’s ignored your other warnings.

6. “If you won’t stop, I’ll do something you’ll not like either!” – make him feel the same way
“If he’s ignoring you playing a game, ignore him back!” If you do something nasty to him back, he might understand how annoying he is and stop. If you say it straight out it may make you look childish and immature, so try to make it look like a joke.

7. “My friends were saying how sick they are of their gamer boyfriends!” – borrow someone else’s words
“This will work on a man who is sensitive to what women think of him.” Make your boyfriend think general opinion is against him and he may stop. It’ll work even better if you can drop the name of one of his friend’s girlfriends.

8. “If you won’t spend time with me it makes me feel lonely. Shall I just go home?” Complain how unhappy you are
“If he won’t listen to you, all you can resort to is acting.” Play up your sadness and threaten to leave, and he may suddenly drop his game and come to you. Be careful or you’ll end up looking like a “selfish girlfriend” though.

9. “Are you going to play those things even when you’re 50?” – evoke images of his future
“Make him think of what it’ll be like if he keeps playing them.”
Question whether his hobby is something it would be appropriate for him to do for the rest of his life – he might stop. When he stops you can suggest doing something you like.

More direct methods are presumably only to be used as a last resort.

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