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Lucky Star Otaku Konkatsu – “Men: $100, Women: Free”


The current boom for “konkatsu” – structured matchmaking events for men and women unable to find mates any other way – has given rise to an otaku-friendly version: the organisers of “Ota-konkatsu” promise lonely otaku the chance to meet a real life female on a tour of Washinomiya Shrine, famed as a holy ground to Lucky Star fans – for a substantial fee of course.


The event’s itinerary includes a tour of the shrine, a meal and “confession time.”

Male participants must be 18-40, and “something of an otaku.” Participation costs ¥8,000.

Women must be 18-35, and either otaku themselves or “with an understanding for or not objecting to otaku.” Women are promised a free souvenir as well as free participation.

40 people are sought for the event, depending on circumstances, with the event to be cancelled if participants are fewer than 20 in number.

The event itself is being run by the local Washimiya chamber of commerce (which could perhaps be more accurately described as the Lucky Star chamber of commerce).

2ch is less than impressed:


“The Washinomiya chamber of commerce should apologise to all men!”

“Women are free (2D only)”

“Chamber: ‘Pay up creepy otaku!'”

“Now you guys can be exploited even by 3D girls…”

“For 8,000 you could buy two Pokémon and still visit a maid cafe three times!”

“Weren’t we the worst in male-female equality amongst developed countries? I can see why.”

“With men having to pay and women getting in free, the only women they’ll get are gold-diggers.”

“Women get in free, again? Please give it a break, especially because you’ll get women coming just to take a look at the creepy otaku.”

“The women’ll just come up for the free meal and souvenir and then go home…”

“No matter how badly otaku squander their money, this is not happening.”

“If there was limited edition Nendoroid Puchi or something I think most otaku would actually go…”

“More misandry… at least make the women pay something.”

“I’m looking forward to seeing how many they net.”

“Read carefully! Nowhere do they specify the sex ratio. They could hold it with 20 guys and no girls, or you could end up in an event with 39 guys and 1 girl!”

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