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2ch on Sankaku & One Manga: “Dirty Foreign Scum!”


The reaction of Sankaku Complex users to the scathing comments of 2ch on the recent closure of One Manga has found its way back to 2ch and incited an even more biting response.

Their response to the closure of One Manga and the impudent reaction of Sankaku Complex users angry at having to use more inconvenient sources of pirated manga filled scores of threads across 2ch, and was soon picked up by any number of 2ch-centric sites.

A representative selection of their comments is translated below:

“You lot are always begging ‘give us the zip! give us the zip!’ – why is it now you suddenly start acting like you’re normal?”

“Oh come on, this is a fantastic business chance for publishers. If they don’t go for commercial digital distribution now they really are finished.”

“In America the censorship regime makes them change cigarettes into candy! How many mangaka and publishers are there interested in making that level of change!?”

“I was reading the latest Naruto in the convenience store – are the foreigners jealous of me? Forgive me, Sasuke…”

“‘We want to buy but we can’t! We’re making manga popular the world over!’ Die.”

“Just buy it and read you dirty misers!”

“Do these people feel any sense of guilt over what they’re doing to creators?”

“Serves you right, foreigners! It makes no sense at all for these manga to be available on the net in English first. Stop enjoying them before us Japanese even get them!”

“You guys sound pretty intellectual translated into English, don’t you now?”

“‘Ha Ha Ha – Serves you right!’ – someone translate this and tell it to them.”

“Pirates really do think the same the world over.”

“Impudent thieves.”

“‘Foreigner 1: Do all Japanese hate foreigners? Or is it just a minority? Or just 2ch?
Foreigner 2: Japs hate us all. Even the babies!
Foreigner 3: 2ch is how the majority of Japs think. They are polite in front of others, but behind your back they are secretly insulting you. Japs are xenophobes!’

Pretty amazing that they go this far to dress themselves up as victims.”

“It seems people on the Internet always develop these persecution complexes – whatever the country.”

“‘Foreigner 4: 2ch is not representative of all Japanese! I like Japan.
Foreigner 5: Sorry. I like Japan too. The Japanese are just angry that we’re ripping them off.
Foreigner 6: 2ch is the scum of Japan.’

The guys who understand really do understand!”

“Foreigner 6 – you are a genius.”

“‘Those Jump buyers are complete tools for waiting – hurry up and give us the zip!’

‘I don’t want to buy Jump just for One Piece. I’m glad they get uploaded at the same time as its release. I can keep up with what’s happening in this thread too.’

‘In this damn heat I don’t want to go out and read Jump – hurry up with the zip!’

‘It may only be $2 but it’s a nuisance once you’ve read it. Why won’t they just sell us One Piece without the rest?’

This is from 2ch’s Shonen Jump board.”

“Maybe this thread will be translated and become an article over there? Are you reading foreigners? If you want to read manga, be sure to learn Japanese!”

“With the market for digital manga coming up, these illegal sites are no good any more. Rawpara made $30,000, how much were those guys making…”

“Read your own country’s comics, bastards.”

“It’s a real mystery to me why these damn foreigners can’t get over the fact that you can’t just be reading all this stuff for free on a website.”

“Manga overseas costs $10 a volume though – way too much.”

“But American comics cost a fortune in Japan too…”

“It really is expensive over there. In spite of the fact the paper is shoddy rubbish…”

“Even the guys reading manga are always going on about JAP this and JAP that. Just liking manga doesn’t mean you like Japanese, I see. Japanese are really despised aren’t they?”

“Foreigners are just greedy swine by nature – that’s why they think manga is free.”

“I looked at the responses of the Sankaku inhabitants (not that I’m lumping them together with all foreigners) – pretty amazing.

It’s expensive, 99% of manga is crap, it’s translated because Japanese are uploading it, because they ripped off western culture – their excuses were all on that level. The worst ones are the ones going on about racism or xenophobia though.”

“You hairy foreigners should shut up and wait for your own great mangaka.”

“Compared to Japan and its complete absence of a digital publication market, isn’t consciousness about this much higher over there? Amazon have Kindle and stuff…”

“There are already all kinds of pirated manga on the American Kindle. They’re a real pack of thieves.”

“If all manga fans the world over start thinking manga=free, the manga industry is finished.”

“Even in Japan a lot of young people think that, about games and music too. I hope they really crack down on these sites.”

“Why do these foreigners act so high and mighty when they are reading for free?”

“This reminds me of that damn Rapelay fiasco.”

“Thanks to that we got worked over. Seriously, die you filthy foreign scum.”

“1. Foreigners pirate our manga and develop a taste for it.

2. Foreign big-wigs say ‘This content is violent! Ban it, Japan!’

This is a real problem. If publishers adapt their publications to foreign markets then OK, but just translating the original and spreading it amongst foreigners is a problem!

Do you understand this you dirty foreign scum?”

“Don’t those white pigs comprehend the concept of a thief being ashamed of being caught?”

“Blaming the victims of your own crimes, shifting responsibility to anyone else but you, justifying your own criminality. Total scum, every last one of them.”

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