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UN Demands Hentai Ban


The UN has told Japan it must ban adult games and erotic manga featuring themes of rape, calling Japan’s protection of fictional women from fictional r**e “inadequate.”

The demands come by way of the UN’s radical feminist arm, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, or CEDAW. Extreme feminist pressure group Equality Now previously vowed to make them seek such a ban, and it seems CEDAW happily complied.

Calling Japan’s treatment of women “inadequate” and “regrettable,” CEDAW formally demanded Japan end “human rights violations” against women by banning games and manga featuring themes of “rape and sexual violence.” It is not clear whether they extend their demands to anime, AV or literature, though this seems likely.

The suggestion that fictional works such as manga serve to promote sexual violence is entirely unproven; it is notable that Japan has some of the lowest rates of crime and sexual violence in the world, and yet some of the most abundant pornography, much of which deals with such themes.

This is of course undoubtedly tied to the intervention of busybody international feminist groups in Japanese politics after the Rapelay scandal…

Via Asahi.

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