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Miko Café

Akihabara Miko Café - Image by AkibaBlog

On the heels of the recent flood of shrine maiden goodness comes a related new development in the cutthroat world of Akiba cosplay cafes, where just about any gimmick will be tried in the hopes of becoming the next maid boom, in the form of a new miko café, called appropriately enough 巫女さんかふぇ / Miko-san Café.

This being Akiba, the similarities to any actual shrine end with the torii over the door – the miko sport mini-skirts rather than scarlet hakama (for shame!), and the interior of the café on the seventh and eighth floor of an Akihabara high rise commercial building is also somewhat less than traditional. AkibaBlog has all the details you could ask for. Let us pray that a miko boom is not in the offing…

Novel, but it’s not so very hard to find the real thing a little way out of Tokyo (there are also plenty of shrines in central Tokyo but they tend to either serve as playgrounds for small children or car parks for priests with very nice cars indeed); perhaps better to stick to real shrine attendants or their 2D counterparts than to enjoy the kitsch of the Akiba take on things.


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