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Blue Archive ‘MomoTalk AI Conversation’ Function in Testing

Blue Archive 'MomoTalk AI Conversation' Function in Testing

Nexon Games is working on a “MomoTalk AI Conversation” function for Blue Archive that will allow the player to partake in AI conversations with characters to further deepen bonds with students.

The new AI conversation function for Blue Archive is currently in the research & development stage with the aim of making more immersive 1-on-1 talks with the characters to increase student affection levels.

Blue Archive 'MomoTalk AI Conversation' Function in Testing

The game currently offers a MomoTalk function to communicate with characters via text about everything from what’s going on in the latest story missions to small talk about daily affairs. If the MomoTalk AI Conversations allow players to do something similar but communicate using their own words, it would surely entice senseis to spend more time with their students.

Blue Archive 'MomoTalk AI Conversation' Function in Testing

Blue Archive is available to play on smartphones.

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