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US House Speaker Demands Investigation Over Harmless Anime Meme Video

The United States government continues to prove how corrupt and worthless it has become as the equally deranged House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi has demanded an investigation be made into an anime-themed meme tweeted by Republican congressman Paul Gosar, due to it “depicting violence” towards totally legitimate President Joe Biden and worthless Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The Arizona republican and representative of the state’s 4th district previously uploaded the parody video to Twitter, which was a Photoshopped version of Shingeki no Kyojin‘s opening sequence:

Twitter added a warning label to the tweet since this whining surfaced, saying it violated Twitter’s rules regarding hateful conduct, and eventually leading to the tweet being deleted:

The remark from Nancy Pelosi and other upstanding and virtuous democrats about this evil video:

Following this tear-soaked whining, Gosar sent out the following tweet:

Propaganda blogs parading as video game sites immediately seized the opportunity to attack the evil republican, while Ocasio-Cortez labeled Gosar “creepy” and criticized republicans for “condoning his actions”, despite the democrat previously faking photos at a migrant detention center (among other heinous fabrications).

Those on social media immediately snapped back at this hypocrisy, pointing out how this harmless jab is apparently “not okay”, yet this (and an endless supply of death threats on social media) photo of washed up actress Kathy Griffin holding a bloody and decapitated head of Trump is:

A short Reuters video covering the topic:

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