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Operation Tomodachi Cartoon: “Adorable” vs “Creepy”


Japanese gratitude towards the US military’s earthquake relief efforts, dubbed “Operation Tomodachi,” has resulted in the flattering image above, prompting a delighted reaction from Americans and a somewhat more mixed response from Japanese…

The original post and a selection of the comments it provoked:


“This was sent to us by a man in Hokkaido. It says, ‘To everybody in the U.S. 7th Fleet: Thank you. The Japanese people will not be beaten.'”

“What is this I’m feeling… it….patriotism? How nice.”

“Someone…likes us?”

“Very cool. Also interesting to discover that the Japanese national animal is an owl, if thats the case.”

“Green pheasant is the national bird.”

“Note to self: Do not eat Green Pheasant in Japan.”

“That is seriously….adorable.”

“Great things like this make me proud to be in the Navy, though I only sit around in Hawaii as this goes on.”

The appreciative counter-response from 2ch upon seeing the image and responses it elicited:


“What is up with this toadying picture…”

“A nice picture in great taste!”

“I get the eagle but what the hell is that other bird?”

“Some kind of owl I think.”

“Looks like a sparrow.”

“A pheasant or crested ibis I reckon.”

“This is a kind of irritating picture but we’re all grateful so who cares!”

“Way too sycophantic but a lot of people in Japan fall for that sort of American heroism though.”

“But Hokkaido wasn’t even effected by the disaster…”

“So cool I got wet.””That owl is cute.”

“I’m grateful to the yanks but this is creepy. It looks like it was done by some homosexual who wants an American to do him.”

“Good stuff. You should spread your legs wider and fawn on them more.”

“I’ve never seen a picture depicting so much ass-kissing.”

“For Japanese sensibilities this probably seems too fawning, but you have to remember they are a bunch of idiots and can’t understand it unless you really spell it out for them.”

“Nice pic – GJ!”

“Well, there are masochists in every country.”

“Make us the 51st state please. Our government is just too useless.”

“A lot of people seem to think America’s armed forces are helping us for free. Remember that Japan has to pay for the upkeep of US forces stationed here. Flattering them as our saviours like that is a bad habit of the Japanese.”

“I’m reminded of that photograph of MacArthur and the emperor.”

“Well, America is so widely hated that it’s no wonder they are happy when their little Pochi draws close.”

“This is just the sort of thing which’d appeal to Americans. The artist knew his audience alright…”

“At least it isn’t some creepy moe illustration!”

“They’ll like it, so that’s good enough. They did after all help the victims. But we do have to pay for all those forces in any case…”

“There’s no harm in flattering them. It’ll make sure they realise the Japanese people don’t support the DPJ’s pro-China and anti-US foreign policy.”

“This is pretty creepy. The picture really expresses the servile character of the Japanese…”

“It looks more like the bird is being menaced by the eagle, doesn’t it?”

“Like the bird was the victim of domestic violence but still likes the eagle anyway…”


“America’s national bird is the bald eagle then?”

“A carnivore…”

“But will it be eaten afterwards?”

Japanese can likely be forgiven for taking US aid for granted considering the billions of dollars of their taxes used to support the US bases in Japan, although there is probably no harm in letting Americans think they are being magnanimous all the same.

Japanese can probably also be forgiven for being unable to recognise their own national animal considering how boring and nondescript it is; conversely, Americans tempted to crow about their own majestic choice of raptor should probably consider the scepticism of their own founding father Benjamin Franklin:

“For my own part I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen the Representative of our Country.

He is a Bird of bad moral Character. He does not get his Living honestly.

You may have seen him perched on some dead Tree near the River, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the Labour of the Fishing Hawk; and when that diligent Bird has at length taken a Fish, and is bearing it to his Nest for the Support of his Mate and young Ones, the Bald Eagle pursues him and takes it from him.

With all this Injustice, he is never in good Case but like those among Men who live by Sharping & Robbing he is generally poor and often very lousy. Besides he is a rank Coward: The little King Bird not bigger than a Sparrow attacks him boldly and drives him out of the District.”

Franklin considered the turkey a more appropriate national bird for the United States of America…

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