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Supreme Court Rules Upskirt Photos Possible with Trousers


In a ruling possibly of crucial importance to Japan’s camera maniacs, a judge has ruled that taking lewd photos of ladies on the street is an offence whether it involves pointing a camera up their skirts or simply at their posterior, even when wearing tousers.

The ruling was prompted by a male JSDF employee (31) being prosecuted under a nuisance prevention law for secretly taking photographs of a lady walking in public.

He apparently tailed a lady in a shopping centre for five minutes several years ago, following her for 40 metres whilst he clandestinely took 11 photos of her rear using a mobile phone. She was wearing trousers.

As a result he was charged with causing a public nuisance, which he appealed. The basis of his appeal was whether or not his taking the photos of the lady contstituted vulgar conduct, with the waters being muddied by the fact that the upskirt photos the law was designed to prevent did not take place.

His appeal was finally heard recently by a lower court of the Supreme Court, and the judge presiding rendered this verdict of guilty: “It is plain you committed indecent acts as covered by the regulations; you caused embarassment to the lady, and gave her an unsettling recollection.”

Via Jiji.

We might wonder at what this means for Japan’s maniac photographers, although since most of them go about their business quite unmolested, and anyway already do take unambiguous upskirt shots, they may still be safe…

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